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About Us

About Us

We Help You, Help Yourself

You think that you should be able to do everything, but instead of succeeding at this, you're failing miserably.

We hear you! We've been there, done that!

When running a business, the biggest mistake made is that we all think we can do everything and should be doing everything. That is not cost effective. So many business owners have never been taught how to work their businesses, how to market their businesses. It's all a bit of a hit and miss affair. You've spent so much money on marketing, on the latest fad, on traditional marketing, and it hasn't got the results you want, or deserve.

We help people like you. We show you how to streamline your businesses, we'll create a workable plan which will allow you to get to where you want to be, and drive your income to levels you've only dreamed out. We show you ways to make your business as efficient as it can be. Imagine having THE PERFECT BUSINESS!

From The Boss’s Desk

Hi, I’m Carolyn, the Managing Director of Find A Phone

I love being in business – I’ve been in business (working for myself and being an employee) for over 27 years. I’ve worked in law, media, real estate, electrical, medical and Australian Government. I’m a project manager and have worked on large, small, well known, and behind the scenes projects. I was a high achieving real estate agent consistently topping the sales for any company I worked at. I reached the top of the administrative profession. I’ve worked in cutting edge industries. Now I run my own businesses and manage other people’s. It started in the mailroom of a law firm and worked up from there. I’ve seen good times, I’ve seen hard times. But through all of the 27 years, I’ve had experiences which have shaped what we offer today. And that is a successful unique Virtual Business Administration and Support Solutions business which helps people like you to achieve your dream business.

Start A Business

Find a Phone is a business that is one massive leap further than your average business that promises to assist you. Not only does our team do everything standard VA's do, we have business mentors as part of our team. Every successful business owner has one! We will show you how to accelerate the growth of your company by streamlining, delegating and leveraging your business so you can earn more money than you thought possible whilst freeing you up to work with more clients, and spend quality time with family and friends. Are you a person who owns their own business, things are going ok, but you want to do more? You know that it could be so much better than it is.


Who Can We Help?

You’re a proud, hardworking person, with a business that you’ve poured everything into for a while now but you expected to have been in a different place by now.


Not Enough Hours!

There’s not enough hours in the day to run your business, spend time with family, see your friends, pamper yourself, play golf, travel overseas, go out for dinner, or join that hobby class you’ve always wanted to do.


Delegate Work To Us!

You think you should be able to do everything, but failing miserably. Get in touch with us, if you are scared to delegate because you’ve had bad experiences in the past.

Our Executives

Meet Our Experts

Robin Crashaw


Channel Penn

Team Lead

Druid Keech

Senior VA

Joanna Gattiya

Senior VA

Mark Night

Senior VA

Katiya Chekov

Senior VA

True Talk

What Our VAs Say

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